Meet Our Team

Adam Jones

Owner | Lead Guide, Instructor

As the founder of Optimum Adventures, Adam loves nothing more than living a life full of adventure and helping others do the same. He has guided hundreds of tours and thousands of river miles while sharing his love for storytelling and the local flora and fauna. He has helped lead the camping and paddling departments at the largest outdoor gear store in North America, is one of the only ACA Level 4 Packraft Instructors in the country, and has also acquired numerous additional outdoor certifications (see below). He is a passionate outdoorsman whose top hobbies include packrafting and backpacking.

He has traveled to four continents and nearly every state in the US, and has an incessant drive for self-improvement. Some of Adam’s adventures include free soloing waterfalls in Costa Rica, cliff jumping in Thailand, skydiving in Moab, and motorbiking solo across all of Vietnam. Outside of these pursuits, Adam also takes an interest in health and wellness, DIY projects, and stand-up comedy.

If you can’t get enough of Adam, check out his work on our Resources Page.

CertificationsACA Level 4 Packraft Instructor, ACA Swiftwater Rescue, Wilderness First Responder, CPR, Leave No Trace, PADI Freediver

If interested in joining our team, please see our employment page.